So, today is my day on the Fabulous Freebees blog hop, hosted by my friend Joan at MooseStash Quilting. You’d never guess this was the first hop she’s hosted, she’s been great at getting it organized and keeping us all apprised of the happenings of the hop. Thanks, Joan for hosting this very fun hop.
Free patterns are really everywhere on the web. I’ve heard more than once that we are inundated with them. Frankly, who doesn’t love a free pattern? I can’t tell you I don’t, because I do. I’ve even been known to offer a few free patterns myself every now and again. I have no problem buying a pattern I like, but free ones are always nice also.
I didn’t create one of my own patterns, as I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while.
Today, my project is along the lines of Christmas once again. If you remember last month I said it was going to be my goal to create something for everyone this year for Christmas and I’m still working on that goal, so here is my project…
I love this centerpiece. At So Sew Easy, where this pattern originates from, the designer created a full table runner with it. I’ll be honest when I say I was going to make the table runner, but as I got the 4 of these pieced together, I realized that for me it would just be too heavy and while I love the 3 poinsettia’s she used in her table runner, I really only wanted something that I could set on the table as perhaps a centerpiece or something that set on each side of the centerpiece on the table. Let’s say a gorgeous bunch of real poinsettia’s.
This is a very easy pattern to create. It took me about 3 hours from cutting the fabric to finishing it, and had I been able to do most of it on my normal machine it would have been faster. I will be making more of these.
You can download this pattern here.
The full instruction with images is located here.
I didn’t get the button added yet as I want to wait until I finish a few more of these to find the right button.
There is a funny story to this pattern. If you all remember right, I was stuck downstairs in July. My hubby brought my pc down, but we didn’t bring any extras downstairs, such as a printer. In order to create this pattern, I was going to need to print it out. Well that wasn’t going to happen, yes, I could have taken it to the print shop, but I didn’t even think of that until I’d already devised a way to create this without having to print it out. I took and printed it to an image, and then opened my Bernina Designer Plus software and digitized the circles and the leaves to the pattern. I did have to make it smaller. I don’t have a 10-inch hoop which is about what the circles measured out to be in my software, so I reduced it to fit an 8-inch hoop which is my larger hoop width size. So my design is smaller than hers, but it’s still stitched with the same instruction and I love the size as it’s perfect for a centerpiece on the table.
Today’s other bloggers are:
Friday, August 24
Seams to be Sew | That Fabric Feeling | Selina Quilts
Quarter Inch Crafter | Yanicka Quilt | MooseStashQuilting
Because it’s free pattern week, I do have a free pattern for you today. If you read my post earlier this week you knew it was coming.
The books in the above pattern are the free part of this pattern. By themselves, they would be quite fun on a notebook cover, or even a bookmark.
The bookmarks are 3×7-inches
Inspired by the artwork of Premium Clipart.
The pencils will be released early next week.
This pattern is free thru August 31, 2018
Click on the above image to download
The download is thru Payhip, you can use a mobile device to order, but please wait until your home using a laptop or desktop to download it.
I hope you enjoy your day

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Please, remember it takes 2 minutes to comment, please say Thank You, whether you downloaded a free pattern, read a tutorial, or just learned something new. It takes time for people to write a post, take pictures, make a project or even write a pattern.
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